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Keep it unlocked 

"To the you who feels unsettled, or the you who feels uncertain. To the you who feels stuck, or the you who feels unheard. To the you who doesn’t know how to make your dreams come true, or the you who doesn’t know what to do when your dreams do come true. To the you who is struggling silent battles, and the you who feels like you are falling behind.

To all of you: here is what I hope for you. I hope you don’t make your big decisions based on what anyone else thinks is best for you, and that you do whatever it is that you know is best for you. I hope you do the things that make your eyes shine, and that you live for the moments that make you feel like you are on cloud nine, even if others don’t understand. I hope you don’t rush through life out of fear that time is slipping away from you, and that instead, that you savor the sweet moments and view the harder times as opportunities for growth. I hope you don’t focus so much on all of the “shoulds” that you forget to fall in love with the all of the “coulds.” I hope you always leave space in your life for possibility, as the world has so much to offer, and you are only just getting started.

I hope you trust the timing of your life, and that you follow your own path without worrying so much about what everyone else is doing or how fast they are moving. I hope you know that you don’t have to always be moving at full speed ahead. I hope you know that staying still for a minute is not a flaw or a failure, and that sometimes we need to pause before we know how to make our dreams come true. I hope you know that the journey is part of the fun, and that you will reach your destination in the timing that is best for you. And when you are afraid, or when you feel stuck in life, I hope you find the courage to take just one teensy step forward. And I hope you know that a step forward of any size will never be too small of a step.

I hope you trust that each chapter of your story has a purpose. Maybe you don’t know the title of the chapter you are in now, but one day you will. I hope you settle in to the uncertainty and realize that uncertainty often leads to remarkable things, and that each season of your life will better you in one way or another."

Colleen George.

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